Support The Voice To Parliament

Yarraville Community Centre Inc.


The Uluru Statement From The Heart invites us to walk with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on the journey to a better Australia. Yarraville Community Centre accepts this invitation.

We acknowledge that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are one of the oldest, ongoing, living cultures in the world. We heed the call of the Uluru Statement for a “fair and truthful” relationship with the people of Australia, where First Nations people are honoured and respected.

Yarraville Community Centre (YCC)

YCC is about people, communities, learning and education, and has been serving the local area through the provision of quality educational and community programs and services since 1975.

Vision To build a stronger community through connection, engagement, diversity, and opportunity.

Mission YCC will be responsive to community needs and provide opportunities that build resilience and community connections

We believe communities thrive when they control their own destiny. We believe that every community member has the right to be heard and to have input into decisions that will impact their lives. Our Centre is committed to community development.

At its core The Voice is community development on a national scale. It will enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to have a direct say on issues that affect them.


We accept the invitation to walk alongside our First Nations communities on the journey to:

Voice, Treaty and Truth

Yarraville Community Centre supports the Voice to Parliament.  YCC strongly endorses a Yes vote in the referendum

For more information on the Yes campaign please visit:

Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission


Advocacy charities can undertake

A charity’s advocacy work may include: