Yarraville Community Centre offers the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) Program. So what’s the difference?
AMEP is targeted at people who are newly arrived in Australia, and who speak little or no English. The SEE program on the other hand is for people who have settled and are now looking for skills to gain paid employment. Below is some information on both programs.
Skills for Education and Employment (SEE)
The SEE Program provides free training, to eligible jobseekers, to improve their language, literacy and numeracy skills to get a job.
SEE is funded by the Federal Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.
From 2022, the SEE program allows you to study English and a vocational qualification at the same time.
Frequently asked questions about the SEE program
- It is FREE
- Eligible jobseekers (aged 15 to pension age) can get up to 2 years of full time or part-time training (10-25 hours each week)
- You can still look for work
- The training you receive will be based on your goals for the future
- This program can also help you if English is your second language
- SEE is delivered in a supportive adult learning environment
- We have highly qualified specialist teachers
- We have small class sizes
- SEE offers pathways to employment and/or vocationally orientated training programs
- Why do the SEE course?
The SEE program can help you get the job you want by:
- Improving your reading and writing skills.
- Improving your maths.
- Improving your information, communication and technology (ICT) skills.
Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP)
AMEP is funded by the Australian Government and provides free English language lessons to eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants. In an AMEP class you will learn English language skills and information about Australian society. You can meet other people learning English. Classes are taught by qualified teachers.
The AMEP has been expanded to improve access for eligible migrants and humanitarian entrants in Australia with no or low levels of English. If that sounds like you, the changes mean:
- you can now access unlimited hours of English classes until you reach vocational English
- you can apply to enrol, even if you’ve enrolled in AMEP before and have been living in Australia for many years
- you can keep studying, even if you’ve completed 510 hours (the previous limit), until you reach vocational level English
You may be eligible for AMEP if you have been granted a permanent visa or granted an eligible temporary visa.